Stack Testing Program
The Stack Testing program (also known as Source Testing) provides oversight of compliance and quality assurance activities related to stack tests performed in Mecklenburg County, North Carolina, as required by permit conditions or state and/or federal regulations. Staff assures proper sampling, analytical methods and calculations are used to produce accurate air emission data to determine compliance.
Specific activities include: conducting reviews and approvals of stack test protocols, on-site observation of source sampling test(s) and review and approval of final emission test reports.
Guiding Documents
- NCDAQ Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) Testing Issues & Policies
- NCDAQ Condensable Particulate Matter (CPM) Testing Issues & Policies
- NCDAQ Method 5 Reference Document
- NCDAQ Method 5 Observation Checklist
- NCDAQ Continuous Emission Measurement Document
- NCDAQ Continuous Emissions Measurement Observation Checklist
**The information on this site was developed by organizations other than MCAQ and is provided for informational purposes only. Publication of the information does not constitute endorsement by MCAQ of any company or organization mentioned.