Regulated Industry
Administration of local, state and federal regulatory programs.
Mecklenburg County Air Quality administers the Mecklenburg County Air Pollution Control Ordinance (MCAPCO) as well as state and federal regulatory programs to limit and minimize criteria and toxic air pollutants from industrial sources. Air pollution reductions are achieved by reviewing applications, issuing permits, conducting inspections, responding to resident requests for service, overseeing asbestos abatement from building demolition and renovation, and educating business and industry.
Air Quality Regulations
Permitting Tools
- Forms
Application, notification, and reporting forms.
- Annual Emissions Reporting
Emission calculation spreadsheets and tools.
- Modeling
Air quality dispersion modeling guidance and inputs.
- Stack Testing
Industrial source performance test guidelines.
Compliance Assistance Resources
Do I need an Air Quality permit?
In Mecklenburg County, facilities that emit one or more regulated air pollutants are likely to need an air quality permit prior to construction. Examples of those sources include boilers, generators, incinerators, chemical processing or storage operations, coating or painting operations, and material (sand, gravel, etc.) handling.
Mecklenburg County Air Quality (MCAQ) will assess your need for a permit. A Permit Applicability Questionnaire Form has been created to help you survey your facility's operations for the purpose of identifying the most common emission source types. The form can be used to provide MCAQ with basic information needed to determine whether permitting is necessary.