Gasoline Dispensing Facilities (Stage 1)
Stage I Gasoline Vapor Recovery System
In the Stage I gasoline recovery system, the truck tank captures displaced vapors while filling underground storage tanks (USTs). The truck returns the vapor to the bulk gasoline terminal for processing. The Stage I gasoline vapor recovery system collects 96% of the vapors that would have otherwise been emitted to the atmosphere to form ground level ozone which negatively impacts air quality.

Stage 1 Applicability Determination
Compliance Assistance
How to comply with your Stage 1 Air Quality Permit:
Minimize gasoline spills and clean them up quickly when they occur.
Conduct monthly self-inspections of permitted equipment and record results.
Record monthly gasoline throughput and report total annually to MCAQ by April 30.
Pay MCAQ's annual invoice at the beginning of the year on time.
Conduct performance testing if required by 40 CFR 63 Subpart 6C and report results to MCAQ.
Applicable Regulations
- Mecklenburg County Air Pollution Control Ordinance (MCAPCO) Section 2.0928 - "Gasoline Service Stations Stage I"
- Subpart 6C Performance Testing Protocol for gasoline stations, if applicable: